You can see crime om street, for example shoplifting, speeding, robbery, burgary, mugging, arson, picketing and vandalism.
People battle with crime very important, for example judge, lawyer, police detective, security guard, store detective, private detective, prison guard. They used instrument, for example scintice methood, DNA analisis, blood analysis and lab silicon chip.
People writer about crime and detective call crime writers, for example Agatha Christie. They make me life intresring.
Syreet art make me life intresting, for example with LEGO brinks. I detest litter in the streets and parks, vandalism and graffiti, traffic congestion, holes in pavements and roads.
Crime come in sight in internet, for exaple hacker and cybercriminal.
Many crime exist in world, but many people battle with crime exist.
People battle with crime very important, for example judge, lawyer, police detective, security guard, store detective, private detective, prison guard. They used instrument, for example scintice methood, DNA analisis, blood analysis and lab silicon chip.
People writer about crime and detective call crime writers, for example Agatha Christie. They make me life intresring.
Syreet art make me life intresting, for example with LEGO brinks. I detest litter in the streets and parks, vandalism and graffiti, traffic congestion, holes in pavements and roads.
Crime come in sight in internet, for exaple hacker and cybercriminal.
Many crime exist in world, but many people battle with crime exist.