воскресенье, 24 апреля 2016 г.

Life experiences

   I can get life experiences: move house, get a promotion, staret a family,  get a job and retire.
   People can get bed life experiences, for example: have bad body odour, talk in the cinema and talk thimgs without asking. People can get bed life experiences in the other country, for example: struggle to get used to the weather and stuggle with rhe language.
   People can get good life experiences in the other country, for example try to get used to the food and have difficult undeserstanding social etiquette.
    People in UK can get social Etiquette, for example: poeple make eye contact when speak or english a smile is a sign of friendliness and even politeness. People in India can get social Etiquette, for example to invite of two families on the wedding.
    You can get life experiences a change for the better: grow your own food, set up a charity and ghave cosmetic surgery.
    People can get life experiences in other country, school and job